Fisicoquímica, Exemplos de Revisão

Exemplo de Revisão: Fisicoquímica

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  • Manuscrito original

    Fisicoquímica, Exemplos de Revisão

    Manuscrito revisado

    Fisicoquímica, Exemplos de Revisão


    Remark 1:
    Please note that the highlighted sentence contradicts known facts. Typically, high bond energy indicates stronger bonds.


    [Explanation1]: Subject area:
    Note that Endothermic/Exothermic are much more prevalent than Endothermal/Exothermal.

    [Explanation2]: Subject area:
    The word “reaction” has been used consistently in the latter part of the document.

    [Explanation3]: Language:
    The changes made in this sentence enhance the accuracy and readability of information by using appropriate technical words (“elements” instead of “substances”) and keeping the academic tone of the sentence consistent.

    [Explanation4]: Subject area:
    Here again the correct word choices are used.

    [Explanation5]: Grammar An article is not required as no specific two reactants are referred to here.

    [Explanation6]: Language readability:
    Two sentences have been combined and simplified to bring out the essential point.

    [Explanation7]: Language clarity:
    The revision has made the sentence concise and clearer.

    [Explanation8]: Language clarity:
    The information in the parenthesis (fuel, oxygen) is added as examples to ensure that the sentence is unambiguous.

    [Explanation9]: Language readability:
    The changes here improve the flow and readability of information.

    [Explanation10]: Language:
    The sentence is improved for readability.

    [Explanation11]: Language readability:
    Two sentences are combined and simplified for clarity of information/content.

    [Explanation12]: Language readability:
    Although the revision is made for conciseness, the content deletion is made to ensure that the essence of the sentence is intact.

    [Explanation13]: Content gap:
    The sentence is revised for clarity. Note that the statement seems contrary to the general knowledge. The accompanying remark informs the author to check the information provided.

    [Explanation14]: Language readability:
    The sentence has been made concise by giving a clear progression of ideas in the following sentences. This improves the flow and readability of information.

    [Explanation15]: Language clarity:
    The original sentence was unclear and needed complete rewriting to make the sentence unambiguous. Redundancies (“of the reactants of the chemical reaction”) have been removed and appropriate words (“to understand” instead of “to know”) have been used.

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