Física Matemática, Exemplos de Revisão

Exemplo de Revisão: Física Matemática

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  • Manuscrito original

    Física Matemática, Exemplos de Revisão

    Manuscrito revisado

    Física Matemática, Exemplos de Revisão


    Remark 1:
    Note that you have explained “finitely additive” later in the text. Please check whether it needs to be explained here instead.

    Remark 2:
    Although this description is appropriate, note that on several occasions Green’s theorem is described as a two-dimensional case of Stokes’ theorem. Please check whether the highlighted sentence requires revision.

    Remark 3:
    Note that the sentence is incomplete. Do you mean “planar regions”? Please check, and revise accordingly.

    Remark 4:
    Please check whether our edit has retained your intended meaning.


    [Explanation1]: Language:
    The unnecessary introductory phrase has been deleted.

    [Explanation2]: Structural change:
    Structural rearrangement suggested via a remark.

    [Explanation3]: Language:
    This revision has been made to make the sentence clear and more readable.

    [Explanation4]: Language:
    This is a repetition of the point noted in the earlier sentence; hence, it has been deleted.

    [Explanation5]: Content Change:
    A remark added to notify the author about a common convention used in the subject.

    [Explanation6]: Language:
    Starting a new paragraph with the pronoun “it” is awkward, even if the pronoun is referring to the heading before the paragraph. The revision has been made for readability.

    [Explanation7]: Language:
    Here one sentence has been broken into two different sentences for better readability.

    [Explanation8]: Word Choice:
    A more formal word has been used her to maintain the academic tone of the document.

    [Explanation9]: Language:
    The definition of “finitely additive” was edited for more clarity. Further, this change has been pointed out to the author for verification.

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