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Manuscrito original
Manuscrito revisado
[Explanation1]: Grammar:
Based on the given context and for consistency, the countable form of the noun has been used.[Explanation2]: Language:
The redundancy has been eliminated.[Explanation3]: Language:
The phrase has been made concise.[Explanation4]: Language:
A better word choice has replaced the original for conciseness.[Explanation5]: Subject-specific word choice:
A precise technical phrase has replaced the wordy expression.[Explanation6]: Clarity & typographical error:
To achieve fluency, the phrase has been restructured and the spelling error corrected.[Explanation7]: Language:
The sentence has been reframed for a robust expression and author stance.[Explanation8]: Word choice:
The phrasal verb has been replaced with an academic word choice for accuracy and conciseness.[Explanation9]: Style:
The abbreviation has already been defined earlier in the text.[Explanation10]: Language:
The sentence has been restructured to enhance readability.[Explanation11]: Grammar:
The study used different samples; the noun has been pluralized.[Explanation12]: Language:
The awkward word order has been corrected.[Explanation13]: Punctuation:
Placing a semicolon here has made the sentence readable.[Explanation14]: Word choice:
Technical writing calls for a discipline-specific academic vocabulary, and hence the original has been replaced with formal academic language.[Explanation15]: Technical word choice:
The correct technical word has been inserted here.[Explanation16]: Style:
The revised spelling conforms to American English convention.[Explanation17]: Typographical error:
The spelling error has been corrected.[Explanation18]: Language:
The wordy phrase has been made concise.[Explanation19]: Language:
The sentence has been restructured to cohere with the context, and redundancy has been eliminated.
Manuscrito original
Manuscrito revisado
Remark 1:
Note that this information has already been mentioned in the Introduction section and may not be repeated here. Hence, we have deleted it; please check.Remark 2:
The limitation(s) of the experiment has not been stated in the manuscript. Please mention any constraints observed during the experimental phase in this section. This sentence will therefore have a reference point for the reader.Explanations
[Explanation1]: Language:
The author has been informed about the nature and relevance of revision made here through a remark.[Explanation2]: Language:
The redundancy has been eliminated.[Explanation3]: Language:
The phrase has been made concise.[Explanation4]: Subject area:
A precise technical phrase has replaced the wordy expression.[Explanation5]: Language & typographical error:
To achieve fluency, the phrase has been restructured and the spelling error has been corrected.[Explanation6]: Language:
The sentence has been reframed for a robust expression and author stance.[Explanation7]: Language:
The phrasal verb has been replaced with an academic word choice for accuracy and conciseness.[Explanation8]: Style:
The abbreviation has already been defined earlier in the text.[Explanation9]: Language:
The sentence has been restructured to enhance readability.[Explanation10]: Content accuracy:
Crucial information has been corrected as per the study.[Explanation11]: Language:
The awkward word order has been corrected.[Explanation12]: Attention to detail:
Placing a semicolon here has made the sentence readable.[Explanation13]: Language:
Technical writing calls for a discipline-specific academic vocabulary, and hence the original has been replaced with formal academic language.[Explanation14]: Style:
The revised spelling conforms to American English convention.[Explanation15]: Language:
The content has been made readable and clear.[Explanation16]: Language:
The lengthy noun string has been rephrased for clarity and readability.[Explanation17]: Language:
The sentence has been restructured to cohere with the context and redundancy has been eliminated.[Explanation18]: Language:
The information in this sentence contrasts that of the preceding one. Hence, an appropriate transition word has been added.[Explanation19]: Language:
Through a remark, the author is informed of content that needs to be corroborated and presented.
As explicações das alterações observadas no documento de amostra são para fins ilustrativos. Essas explicações normalmente não são fornecidas nos documentos editados.
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